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RapidJSON configuration

Configuration macros for library features. 更多...


 Major version of RapidJSON in integer.
 Minor version of RapidJSON in integer.
 Patch version of RapidJSON in integer.
 Version of RapidJSON in "<major>.<minor>.<patch>" string format.
#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE   rapidjson
 provide custom rapidjson namespace 更多...
 Use external 64-bit integer types. 更多...
 Endianness of the machine. 更多...
#define RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(x)   ((x + 3u) & ~3u)
 Data alignment of the machine. 更多...
 Enable SSE2/SSE4.2 optimization. 更多...
 User-provided SizeType definition. 更多...
#define RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x)   assert(x)
 Assertion. 更多...
 Enable RapidJSON support for std::string. 更多...
 User-defined kParseDefaultFlags definition. 更多...


Configuration macros for library features.

Some RapidJSON features are configurable to adapt the library to a wide variety of platforms, environments and usage scenarios. Most of the features can be configured in terms of overriden or predefined preprocessor macros at compile-time.

Some additional customization is available in the RapidJSON error handling APIs.

These macros should be given on the compiler command-line (where applicable) to avoid inconsistent values when compiling different translation units of a single application.


#define RAPIDJSON_ALIGN (   x)    ((x + 3u) & ~3u)

Data alignment of the machine.

xpointer to align

Some machines require strict data alignment. Currently the default uses 4 bytes alignment. User can customize by defining the RAPIDJSON_ALIGN function macro.,

#define RAPIDJSON_ASSERT (   x)    assert(x)


By default, rapidjson uses C assert() for internal assertions. User can override it by defining RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x) macro.

Parsing errors are handled and can be customized by the RapidJSON error handling APIs.

Endianness of the machine.

GCC 4.6 provided macro for detecting endianness of the target machine. But other compilers may not have this. User can define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN to either RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN or RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN.

Default detection implemented with reference to


Enable RapidJSON support for std::string.

By defining this preprocessor symbol to 1, several convenience functions for using rapidjson::GenericValue with std::string are enabled, especially for construction and comparison.

#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE   rapidjson

provide custom rapidjson namespace

In order to avoid symbol clashes and/or "One Definition Rule" errors between multiple inclusions of (different versions of) RapidJSON in a single binary, users can customize the name of the main RapidJSON namespace.

In case of a single nesting level, defining RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE to a custom name (e.g. MyRapidJSON) is sufficient. If multiple levels are needed, both RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN and RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END need to be defined as well:

// in some .cpp file
#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE my::rapidjson
#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace my { namespace rapidjson {
#include "rapidjson/..."

Use external 64-bit integer types.

RapidJSON requires the 64-bit integer types int64_t and uint64_t types to be available at global scope.

If users have their own definition, define RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE to prevent RapidJSON from defining its own types.


User-provided SizeType definition.

In order to avoid using 32-bit size types for indexing strings and arrays, define this preprocessor symbol and provide the type rapidjson::SizeType before including RapidJSON:

namespace rapidjson { typedef ::std::size_t SizeType; }
#include "rapidjson/..."

User-defined kParseDefaultFlags definition.

User can define this as any ParseFlag combinations.


Enable SSE2/SSE4.2 optimization.

RapidJSON supports optimized implementations for some parsing operations based on the SSE2 or SSE4.2 SIMD extensions on modern Intel-compatible processors.

To enable these optimizations, two different symbols can be defined;

// Enable SSE2 optimization.
// Enable SSE4.2 optimization.

RAPIDJSON_SSE42 takes precedence, if both are defined.

If any of these symbols is defined, RapidJSON defines the macro RAPIDJSON_SIMD to indicate the availability of the optimized code.